Mentawai Surf Forecast & Tides for Macaronis & Surrounding Breaks
Macaronis is a lefthand point breaking over a flat reef that can be surfed on all tides, swell sizes & directions. Macaronis remains surfable in almost all wind conditions, making it one of the most consistent breaks in all of the island chain and worldwide.
Surfers can expect to find powerful surf during the peak season from March – November, during the Southern hemisphere winter, while during the summer months, December – February, surfers can expect longer period swells more commonly from the south direction, creating perfectly groomed peeling waves in the 2-4 feet range, with the occasional larger swell.
Below are some links to surf & wind forecasting sites specifically for Macaronis and surrounding areas.
StormSurf – A useful interactive 180-hour swell forecast map providing incoming swell size, period and direction.
WindGuru – A handy chart to quickly check the forecast of wind direction, strength, gusts + swell direction, period, and size. Provides tide information found on this site with a summary of wind and swell size.
Buoy Weather – Provides a two-day outlook on swell and wind conditions.
MagicSeaweed – For those who are familiar with using Magic Seaweed.
Want to know what the conditions will be like when you have the time to travel? Email us at [email protected] for a prompt reply, links to videos and insider tips.
Mentawai Tides – PDF
What to Look for to score Macaronis & Greenbush
Macaronis works on all tides and all swell sizes and directions. Powerful swells arrive from March – November, while December – February produces more manageable long period south swells; ideal for intermediates looking to get a lot more wave time with fewer competitive surfers.
Greenbush works on a south swell, preferably with morning high tides above 1m and east to north west winds. If you would like to score Greenbush during your stay, try to schedule your trip on a new or full moon spring tide.